K Pop artist Suzy gained some weight in 2011. But she immediately went on a diet to become fit as per Korean industry standards

Twice’s Jihyo, used to exercise 4 hours daily to become slim as she faced much negativity after weight gain

BTS Jimin transformed from a cute mochi to sexy mocha, he starved himself to reduce his weight

Exo Chanyeol transformed from a cute chubby boy into an athletic looking personality. From his debut days till now, he has come a long way

Park Bo Ram reduced her weight from 170 pounds to 100 pounds with a healthy diet plan and exercise

Red Velvet Wendy faced much criticism from fans for being fat. After following a strict diet, she got back in shape

Apinks Eunji lost 30 pounds in a very short time with diet and boxing

Top Bigbang unbelievably reduced 20 kgs in 40 days